The Wait is Over!
Dream Big, Little Singh
We are extremely proud and honored to share our latest book with you.
Dream Big, Little Singh is not only an ode to the brave and wise, yet humble men from our Sikh History, but also aims to inspire the young Sikhs to discover and realize the kindness and humility within them. By highlighting important aspects of the Gursikhs’ personalities in a kid-friendly manner with colorful illustrations, the book encourages the young Sikhs to yearn to follow in the footsteps of the Gursikhs they will learn about.

A Word of Thanks...
We would like to take a moment to thank the many people who were instrumental in the creation of this book.
First and foremost, Bhajneet Singh Ji, for his inspiration and support to undertake such a project. Not only that, he walked us through the entire process at each step, and then helped with publishing as well as sales and distribution.
Our daughters, who continue to inspire and motivate us to create more women-empowering resources for the next generation.
Our parents, who freely shared their expertise on historic facts and Gurbani.
Natasha Kaur Ji, who served as an informal co-author as well as editor of this book.
Pardeep Singh Ji, for not only his wonderful illustrations, but also his patience and work ethic to create a product that we were satisfied with.
Inni Kaur Ji, for taking the time to review our materials and provide her honest feedback, without which this book would likely not have taken the shape it ultimately did.
Various family and friends who took the time to read, edit, and critique several versions of the text and illustrations.
Last but not the least, Waheguru Ji for this wonderful sewa and all of His blessings!

What They’re Saying
“Dream Big Little Kaur” is a book about the Sikh women who played a marvelous role in nurturing the Sikhism in their own ways. I was really impressed by the concept, design and the information that the author imagined. Above all, what impressed me was the illustration of the story through the sketches. I congratulate the Curious Khalsa team for a job well done.
Anant Kaur
“Dream Big Little Kaur is an exceptional children’s book that collectively grasps the rich history of women in Sikhi. The book is easy to read, has vibrant colors, eye-catching illustrations, and keeps the reader engaged. I would recommend this book to all parents. It serves as a reminder about the strength and courage that women share and in a climate like today, serves as a foundation of growth for young Kaurs and Singhs across the world. I commend the authors for creating such a resource and I look forward to more!”
Harjiv Singh
"As the father of two young girls, I'm so delighted to have this book in the world and in my home. It's so important that all our kids see strong woman role models -- and it's critical for us as parents too."